Webinar: Application of Pharmacogenomics and Bioinformatics

Join us on February 17th as we host a live webinar in collaboration with REPROCELL. 

The use of preclinical human tissue pharmacology assays coupled with “omics” analysis to better inform precision medicine strategies prior to clinical trials

Dr Max Bylesjo, Technical Director of Fios Genomics, and Graeme Macluskie, Head of Research and Development at REPROCELL, will be discussing how the use of preclinical human tissue pharmacology assays coupled with ‘omics analysis can better inform precision medicine strategies prior to clinical trials.

The webinar will feature a collaboration between industry, the National Health Service (NHS) and academia that sought to demonstrate how early understanding of both pharmacology and genomics can improve strategies for the development of precision medicines.

Diseased tissue ethically acquired from patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was used to investigate inter-patient variability in drug efficacy using ex vivo organocultures of fresh lung tissue as the test system. The reduction in inflammatory cytokines in the presence of various test drugs was used as the measure of drug efficacy, followed by integration with genotyping information from targeted sequencing data. Bioinformatics analysis showed that variants in the CYP2E1 and SMAD3 genes are associated with patient response and may be linked to the observed differences in drug response.

Banner for Fios-Reprocell Wbinar SeriesThe webinar is being run live twice, at 12pm GMT and 12pm EST. Sign up to access the webinar on-demand.

Update: You can now watch the webinar on-demand, here.


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